Grade Level: 10-12
(Offered at FHS and LMHS)
These courses will cover what an Athletic Trainer is and what services they provide for athletes, such as injury prevention, injury recognition, etc., as well as First-Aid/CPR. Students will get the chance to learn through hands-on experience through assisting with after-school sports activities and events. Through those experiences, the students will have the opportunity to enhance their communication, time management, and responsibility skills.
Students who sign up for these courses will commit to working a minimum of one sport season (fall, winter, spring) which encompasses attending practices and helping with home games.
The expectations of the Sports Medicine Program include, but are not limited to, a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, and being available for after-school activities (practice, games, etc.). Students must obtain their own transportation to and from after-school activities. Students in the Sports Medicine program are required to log a minimum of 10 hours per week and attend all practices.